Monday 12 October 2009



Becoming a bilingual nation is one of the goals the Colombian goverment has since 2.004 in the education field. in order to reach it, the program needs to be part of the projects in each city, specially in the biggest ones. Cali is one of those cities pretending to become bilingual and as it is known the best strategy to do it is through schools, that is why some institutions are taking into account and foccusing on English learning processes. Very important goal, and much more when there is a term to get it; 2.019. But is it that easy?, what are the actions the goverment in going through?, are those actions working?, who is involved in this process?, what do teachers and parents think and suggest to the program?. Even though this is an amazing goal, it is a big challenge in which many aspects must be considered and I really want to get into all the possiblities and the limitations it has.


palabra maestra. fundacion compartir.

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