Wednesday 23 September 2009

walter ong' s text

*** stament: "writing destroyds the ability to memorise and weakens thought, those who use it tend to forget as they rely on an exterior mechanism in order to remember."

... those who use it tend to forget? yes.

I definitly agree with this stament, taking into account my experence as a foreign languages student in the university, where I have been underpresured because of the writing process.

Nowadays our society depends a lot on what is written, and it does not care about memorising important things. So people have agendas and advanced cellphones which ¡remember them! what they need to remember. society has a faster rythm of life, it is true. But it does not mean we have to be programed by technology and its different tools. Okay, it makes our life easier sometimes, though we also must to accept it is dangerous for our conciousness.

1 comment:

  1. I Just want you to try memorazing a whole book and them recite it to somebody...
    and think of informacion like the information in the Bible, how if not thanks to writting many people can read and read and read even study such a source of knowledge....
    Maybe writting doesnt aweaken memorey it restructre consciousness
