Wednesday 23 September 2009

"Orality and Literacy: The technologizing of the Word"

In this text by Walter J. Ong, he states that "writing is the means through which speech can be transmited and preserved". I do not agree with this idea because nowadays there ere a lot of ways to transmit and preserve the speech thanks to the technology. For example, we can record or make a video, take a picture, record an interview or any other speech and it all can last many years so other people can know about events that happen at this right moment. It is also possible by orality just as it has been for a long time ago.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You make a valid argument, and i have even read a recent article saying how images are going to be the new method of transmitting knowledge. But a written text is pure, whole, and does not need to be rewound when one wants to hear a certain part again. Writing is still the teaching and learning method par excellence. It may have competition in the futute, but will have a hard time being replace.
