Friday 25 September 2009

Alvaro José Paragraph

Writing process kill memorization

The main purpose of this paragraph is to show what I think about the topic writing vs. memorization, and defend my belief that writing destroy the ability of memorize and weakens thought and those who use it tend to forget as they rely on an external mechanism in order to remember. In order to do that, I will explain that a stimulated human brain can memorize more information, then I will show that the habit on writing can provoke dependency and therefore lack of ideas.
Human brain is a wonderful organ composed by millions of linked brain cells. Information from the outside arrives to our brain through our senses and only a small percentage of this data is saved in our brain. What is wonderful here is that any kind of stimulus can awake those slept memories. By stimulating our brain the same way a muscle with exercises we keep it younger and active. Those activities include puzzles, games and most recently the Sudoku. The mind exercises not only prevent mental disorders, but improve the ability of memorization. A recently research of Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated that people stimulated with brain activities improved their ability to solve daily problems as well as their memory. Writing on the other hand is the simple process of putting signs or symbols on a paper. This is an activity that only requires the interpretation of the information. I am completely sure that those people who can remember a simple name or a short telephone number need to write it down on a paper and became dependent on writing. Those people who write their information on a piece of paper is not stimulating their brains to improve their imagination and with the time they are not going to lose not only their capacity of retain information but their thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your text ,Just remember writing is technology and should be considered such as, then Does technology stop human beings "evolution" ? Does technology kill humnas abilities or Does it allow humans undergo other paths?
