Thursday 24 September 2009

Crossword puzzle Alvaro Josè Y Carolina


1. An argumentative essay tries to…. the reader. (Convince).
2. Is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the examination of others who are experts in the same field (peer review).
3. What an argumentative text needs in order to persuade the reader. (Facts) 
4. An academic text containing condensed and relevant information of an original document. (Summary).
5. Written or spoken communication or debate. Or a formal discussion or debate. (Discourse).
6. Is the process of subjecting a work to the evaluation of its quality and value by others who are experts in the same field? (peer critique).


1. The person who creates an academic text. (Writer).
2. Act of evaluating the quality, value and defect of a work. (Criticize). 
3. An academic text written from an author’s personal point of view. (Essay)
4. What you have to do before start writing a scientific text. (Research).
5. It is a written remark made by a classmate after a peer review. (Comment).

6. Last name of the author who said this: “students come to the University as strangers to the academic conversation (1979)”. (Maimon). 

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