Wednesday 30 September 2009

losing our memories because of writing

if an usual writer loses their memory or not is relative. Particularly I agree with the idea of remembering or forgetting what we decide. To recall or forget something is a personal choice. I think many other factors influence to remember or neglect something, for instance stress, a low intake of iron in our meals or a deep concentration journey.
I disagree with people who believe writing will affect our memorizing capacity. To fill our minds with unuseful facts affects thinking process, writing is an excelent exercise to enhance mankind's mind.

Franklin Alvarez V.

what an academic text is....

An academic text is a well structured piece of writing which has a learning purpose. Its style is featured by a clear organization of the ideas that permits the reader reach their goal easily. Its language must be concrete and precise and its coherence must appear along the whole body of the text. Academic texts authors must expose their ideas using the impersonal voice and stating such secure knowledge that readers fulfill their goal by the reading of the text.

Franklin Alvarez.

what an academic text is....

Monday 28 September 2009


- Montag is the main character of the movie fahrenheit 451 he works at the firestation.
- The story takes plce in a world were books were forbidden and reading was punished
- There isn't any narrator out of the story that is presented by the main characters.
- The story takes place in somewhere of England, a city with houses with the same aspect
- The characters are interesting, the main character Montag had many problems at home and perhaps the only way out was reading.
- Technically speaking, this movie was clearly out of the mind of a visionaire, we can see it in the outfits, they were in one word futuristic
- Topics: submition-Prohibition-freedom
- I think that the effects in this movie are so poors and his director sucks.

What is an academic text?

An academic text is a kind of text, which try a particular topic through a comprehensible point of view (thesis)
It uses a specific language, according to the knowledge of readers.
There are different sort of texts, among them we can find the following:
definition, division, classification, illustration, quotation, narration, analogies, causes and effects, etc.
It is important to organize the different ideas in a coherent way for the comprehension of readers.

Academic Text:

Are relatively formal in structure and style, the person who write an academic text always try to show us specific information developing a concept or idea.
This is the reason which a text academic is a great tool like students in our writing`s process; because this kind of text has the potential of being used for educational purposes; for example: someone who wants to be a writer.

Juan Carlos Garcia

Sunday 27 September 2009


According with Walter J. Ong writing must be understood as technology and threfore, as artificial. What one need to think about this statement is, first of all the meaning of technology, defined as "the application of practical and mechanical sciences to industry or commerce" and then, take into account the procces of writing which is developed through the begging of the childhood mainly, and this process works by using mechanical practices of putting first letters together to form words, then putting words together to form sentences and finally putting sentences in a text.

Thanks to all this process one can be capable of writing more complex texts with strict structures but all this is at the very beggining a mechanical process, that's why the writer becomes a kind of robot who has the whole process of writing as a complete system of codes that form a text.

Academic Text

An academic text is a tool to develop a theory although through facts and arguments by using expository rules.
It could be presented under certain typical characteristics of most common types of academic texts like essays, specific academic books (mathematics or sciences ones) etc. This characteristics are: impersonal voice (but there are certain academic texts written in first person), authority quotes,explanation or/and analysis of a process and even this kind of text can have instructions.
Exquisite Corpse exercise:
Movie Fahrenheit 451
Actors and actresses: The actors and actresses, of the movie Fahrenheit 451, embody a kind of reality about the future and the literature´s destiny.
Plot: Before it was believed, in the future we are going to have less access to the information and it is sometimes true. In the movie, the firemen burn books instead of putting out fires, and all the people live according to the general system, they don´t even know who they are, what they want or where they come from, but they have a “normal” life.
Narrative structure: The story tells us three main facts: The behaviors of the authorities and society, the change of Montag´s mind and the battle of the thoughts.
Setting: The locations looked as if they were from an ancient time. There were many old houses.
Characters: The characters show us their own clear position and their role in the story.
• Technical aspects: Recreation of a high technological future in matter of education is presented.
Director´s style: The director tries to show us a future technology by telling us a futuristic story, in spite of the time that this movie was filmed.
Themes: Although this movie has a main theme that is the extinction of the books in the future, we can identify other themes, like for instance Montag’s struggle with himself and with the other ones, people´s contempt toward the literature and the indifference of the society toward the future.

• Paragraph :
Fahrenheit 451 is a futuristic movie that tells us the story about the extinction of the books and the literature. Montag, who is the main character, embodies a fireman; he decides to struggle against an indifferent society that doesn´t care about its own future since people live according to the general system, they don´t even know who they are, what they want or where they come from, but they have a “normal” life.
After realizing the importance of the books and the literature, Montag tries to save them, In spite of this situation that he should face to.
On the other hand, we can appreciate director´s style who tries to show us a future technology by telling us this story, despite the time this movie was filmed. In this one, their locations looked as if they were from an ancient time. The Recreation of a high technological future in matter of education is presented in Fahrenheit 451.

“Writing is the means through which speech can be transmitted and preserved.”

Although writing is an artificial creation, this one is vital in order to keep any useful oral speech to construct meanings for the human being.
For long time ago, writing has been considered one of the most important human skills because it has helped us to interiorize all kinds of information in order to improve our lifestyle. As Walter J. Ong says to us, in his book “Orality and Literacy”, “Like other artificial creations and indeed more than any other, it is utterly invaluable and indeed essential for the realization of fuller, interior, human potential.” Unlike other machines, writing makes us evolve, but with the difference that this one turns us into conscious people, since we can use this artificial tool to produce coherent and logical ideas in order to express ourselves and to get the cleanest knowledge. Being writing skill an instrument, it can used to make us expert writers through the practice, by developing our entire human potential.

Therefore, writing makes human beings more conscious and wiser about their own actions, their own processes. Furthermore, writing process helps us to transmit and preserve a natural tradition, that it is the oral speech.

What is an academic text?
Second version

An academic text can be defined as a writing production that contributes to any scientific or university community by responding searching questions to the members of these groups. Therefore, these kinds of text are addressed to a specialized audience, like scientists or any academic institution, like a university or a searching center.
Academic texts contain literary, historical and cultural references. They have the potential to be used for educational purposes. For instance, a monograph, a thesis, an essay, a searching study or a paper are good example of an academic text, since they are well – structured and they have a specific aim.
To conclude, we can say that an academic text seeks to develop ideas and concepts in order to pass on a particular and useful knowledge.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Note to the students: names as tags

Students, please read

Please, when adding tags to your posts, write also your name as a tag just as Shirley Astudillo did, so we can as well read the posts by author.
Do not forget that each tag has to be written always the same way. If you write "peter" and later on you write "Peter" (with a capital letter), that will generate two diffenrent tags.

Whenever you need help or you have questions you can contact me by posting comments in the entries with the tag "blog support".

ps. Shirley, I hope I didin't bother you using you r name as an example

Friday 25 September 2009

Writing destroys the ability to memorize and weakens thought thouse who use it tend to forget as they rely on an exterior mechanism in order to rememb

Writing destroys the ability to memorize and we weaken thought. Those who use tend to forget as they rely on an exterior mechanism in order to remember.
I agree with this statement because since writing was discovered or invented, oral tradition in most of civilization disappeared. It carried out that civilizations focus on what they write and transmit information generation by generation in a written way. Now we are still following this way to remember because our memory is not working as it should. Most of the times we have to write in our agenda to remember things we have to do next. Also I am not saying that it is not useful nowadays. We do it and for most of the people is an important tool to remember things.


I do not like how Montag looks because he does not seem to understand the dimension of the problems he had at home and at work. The story in Fahrenheit 451 is really interesting and is followed on a straight line that allowed the viewer to understand softly.

Fahrenheit 451 is the station where some firemen were ready for a phone call telling them where books were to find them and burn them. Montag obviously is the main character in this movie; a mature man, clever and handsome who life an unreal life due to the fact that the movie is a fiction film they tried to give they feeling of anxianes along the movie.

The main theme is the prohibition of reading.

The director has a bored way to tell the story.

Alvaro José Exquisite corpse exercise

Exquisite corpse


Fahrenheit 451 is the story of a young fireman called Montag and his wife who lived in a world where books and reading were forbitten. The story is a crazy situation after another; It tries to make a story without realism. It is hard to understand the main idea at the beginning if you are not concentrated. The story takes place in a town, and we can see just few people on the streets. In general, the scenes takes place during the day. Talking about the characters, definitely Montag is the one who steals the show, since he is shown as a different person from what he really is. The setting was in a small town, surrounded by landscapes. The way how the government try to dissapear books show us a horrible present and future. The director tried to show the story in a crazy way where most of the characters showed strong feelings like fear and rage.

Alvaro José Paragraph

Writing process kill memorization

The main purpose of this paragraph is to show what I think about the topic writing vs. memorization, and defend my belief that writing destroy the ability of memorize and weakens thought and those who use it tend to forget as they rely on an external mechanism in order to remember. In order to do that, I will explain that a stimulated human brain can memorize more information, then I will show that the habit on writing can provoke dependency and therefore lack of ideas.
Human brain is a wonderful organ composed by millions of linked brain cells. Information from the outside arrives to our brain through our senses and only a small percentage of this data is saved in our brain. What is wonderful here is that any kind of stimulus can awake those slept memories. By stimulating our brain the same way a muscle with exercises we keep it younger and active. Those activities include puzzles, games and most recently the Sudoku. The mind exercises not only prevent mental disorders, but improve the ability of memorization. A recently research of Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated that people stimulated with brain activities improved their ability to solve daily problems as well as their memory. Writing on the other hand is the simple process of putting signs or symbols on a paper. This is an activity that only requires the interpretation of the information. I am completely sure that those people who can remember a simple name or a short telephone number need to write it down on a paper and became dependent on writing. Those people who write their information on a piece of paper is not stimulating their brains to improve their imagination and with the time they are not going to lose not only their capacity of retain information but their thoughts.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Crossword puzzle Alvaro Josè Y Carolina


1. An argumentative essay tries to…. the reader. (Convince).
2. Is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the examination of others who are experts in the same field (peer review).
3. What an argumentative text needs in order to persuade the reader. (Facts) 
4. An academic text containing condensed and relevant information of an original document. (Summary).
5. Written or spoken communication or debate. Or a formal discussion or debate. (Discourse).
6. Is the process of subjecting a work to the evaluation of its quality and value by others who are experts in the same field? (peer critique).


1. The person who creates an academic text. (Writer).
2. Act of evaluating the quality, value and defect of a work. (Criticize). 
3. An academic text written from an author’s personal point of view. (Essay)
4. What you have to do before start writing a scientific text. (Research).
5. It is a written remark made by a classmate after a peer review. (Comment).

6. Last name of the author who said this: “students come to the University as strangers to the academic conversation (1979)”. (Maimon). 

Crossword Puzzle
1. A noun used to denote the usefulness of any methode or technique.
2. A serious examination or judgment about something.
3. An adjective. It is used when something has a porpuse
4. A person who is an equal
5. A noun that expresses influcence or power about something ot someone
6. A learner who is enrolled in an educational institution.
7. An activity that puts something in written form.
8. A particular distinction in a person´s speech
1. A noun. It is related to humanities. A discipline that shows the art of writing
2. An adjective. It involves different people or groups in a collective activity


An academic text is an oral, writing or audiovisual presentation that transmits some specialized information with an academic purpose.
In an academic text we can find a technical vocabulary and the author support the subject with specific references.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

What an academic text is

An Academic text is a writing that contains something that we can learn, it could have a complex vocabulary or not because there are academic texts for children, so these texts have a friendly terminology.
I think an academic text must include something in which we can believe or take as true, that's why it is important that it has quotes from people to support the argument.
The organisation of these kind of texts generally is the introduction of the topic (hypothesis, thesis, question, etc), the position taken by the writter, some arguments to defend that position and finally the conclusion. Although an academic text is also when the author wants to inform about something and does not necessarily takes a position.


Continuous contact with a discipline
Getting good benefits or results for each in investment
It is a product facing situation
It is to make an image of something
People´s point of views
Looking for something undiscovered
Presenting step by step
Something that demands for an answer
To capture or catch the speaker's idea
Verifying the processes
An special words or vocabulary
Refuting a formulation with another position and using factual arguments
A schoolfellow
It is associated to a disciplines like music, painting, theater, etc.
Creativity is a personal resul

results exquisite body

Montag is a bad actor or at least the character is borried.
Also he likes books, he burns and tries to do the best but he doesn´t do enough in order to save his marriage and makes the things clear.
the scenes are so fast they are unbelievable in some cases.
interesting enough about the movie is that the action takes place mainly indoor and it is so well dire cted that one doesn´t even notice the lack of varirty in landscapes and photography.
the setting was in a small town surrounded by landscapes.
i think that this movie tries to show us something really important in middle of a poor culture in wich knowledge is a stupid idea.
the topic of the movie is basically that people have as law no reading text books of they do, their book were going to be burned.
the director is kind of profetic.

My Favorite Quote On Writing

“Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow...” Lawrence Clark

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle


  1. This is a colective activity in which students can give advices to their classmates about their written work.
  2. One of the roles that students must adopt in academic writing.
  3. The main purpose of written peer critique.
  4. What stablishes the discourse conventions.
  5. Motivate student to trust himself.


  1. The kind of speech students should be familiarized with.
  2. Writer's representation of self.
  3. A synonym of actors.
  4. What written peer critique promotes.
  5. Another expression for: a useful material.

Exquisite Corpse exercise

About Fahrenheit 451

Actors were great. Each one did a good job during the whole movie. Fire fighters were commited to protect civilians by seerching and burning all sort of books. Books that menaced people happiness in a world controlled by mass medias to think would be a crime. The narrative structure captures the audience and makes it stand still waiting for what and how the plot it is going to be solved. The story happens in different places, the restaurant, the fire station, the Montag house and finally the place where Montag ran away. The character of this movie personifies an interesting story about the future of reading practice. Directors wanted to show us a good movie wing as much as they could but at that moment, the technology was not advanced as today's days. Anyway, they did their best.


1. What might be used in order to build arguments.
2. What you need to prove you are right when you are criticizing.
3. Both classmates correcting each other.
4. The essence of what is created to be recognized as a unique person.
5. Data which give references of sources
6. The way suggested for students to respond to their peeers rather than orally.
7. The result after correcting comments from peers.
8. What is developed through positioning S.S. to write their critiques from a strong knowledge base and having them respond in writing to their peers' work.
9. The structure you need to have for making critiques.
10. What you express when you supposedly find mistakes.


4- what students can obtain by writing their critiques from a strong knowledge base, and having them, to respond in writing to their peer's work.
2- a way which critiques can be presented and one of the most effective.
3- what a student must have of the relevant genre conventions to critique other's work effectively.
1- all students who write their critiques grounded in strong base of context can begin to develop this in their academic writing.
5- what an instructor must provide to avoid a peer critique focus on grammar, spelling and punctuation error.
6- the amount of representation of self that appear in written texts.
7-the proffessional training role is the _______ role of any instructor with their students.

walter ong' s text

*** stament: "writing destroyds the ability to memorise and weakens thought, those who use it tend to forget as they rely on an exterior mechanism in order to remember."

... those who use it tend to forget? yes.

I definitly agree with this stament, taking into account my experence as a foreign languages student in the university, where I have been underpresured because of the writing process.

Nowadays our society depends a lot on what is written, and it does not care about memorising important things. So people have agendas and advanced cellphones which ¡remember them! what they need to remember. society has a faster rythm of life, it is true. But it does not mean we have to be programed by technology and its different tools. Okay, it makes our life easier sometimes, though we also must to accept it is dangerous for our conciousness.

the hardest crossword

1. Corrections shared by two partners.
2. Set of maine ideas extracted from a long text in order to make it short.
3. Mean trought someone´s knowledge is tested.
4. set of writing patterns shared by realeded disciplines.
5. confidence in one´s owne judgement.

crossword keys

1. It is the name we give to a special field or area of knowledge .
2. Writer's representation of self thorugh writing practices, discourses invoked,and discursive features in a text.
3. Specialized vocabulary for academic texts.
4. Represenation of self as someone who has something to say.
5. Aspect of text-processing.
6. Strategy to give students opportunities to develop an authorial self.
7. Representation of self that refers to a writer's life story, experiences, values and beliefs.
8. Writing taking into account the set of conventions for each discipline and its particular ways of constructing and communicating knowledge.
9. Group of readers with specific and common characterisrics.
10. Students assuming this role adress the issues and problems described in asssaignments but do not take into account the methodology being taught in the course.


* Writing destroys the ability to memorize and weakens thought thouse who use it tend to forget as they rely on an exterior mechanism in order to remember.

- Writing improve memorization: in order to people write and put in order their ideas in some way those ideas organized stay in the people mind a lot of time, sometimes when people do not remember any topic, maybe read some part(a little one) about it, in that moment remember everyting because the topic organized develop in our minds; memorization is not only with lineal writing, sometimes it could be improved through concept maps, synoptic maps, thesis or abstracs, for example in my case, i have to do a "practical map" of the concepts or ideas, but i have to write them down and read them again to memorize them better, after that writing improve memory and learning procesus.

Micro Writing Practices

These are the micro-writing practices (MWP) you must have up to now:
1. A paragraph defining what an academic text is
2. An argumentative paragraph about one of the statements we discussed from Walter Ong's text: Orality and Literacy, the technologizing of the word
3. Text resulting from Exquisite Corpse exercise
4. Crossword key

orality and literacy: the tecnologizing of the word.

We, as human beings have a special way to communicate, which differs in wide aspects from the one that some other species have. We use the language since we were created, not just to communicate, but also to express ourselves from the interior to the exterior. This expression grows up in our souls, goes to our minds and then, in order to go out, it changes from feelings to words.
It is important to consider this, if one wants to explain what writing is. Each person is different and much more our thoughts are, as it is known, many of them do not have any sense but on the contrary there are some others that really deserve to be taken into account, transmited and preserved.
Without writing all those special thoughts and speech just would go out to be taken by air and forgotten as if they would not have a value for the rest of the world.

Some helpful links

Debate: is the text written by George Orwell an academic one?

DEBATE: is the text written by George Orwell an academic one?

1. The text by George Orwell is academic, because it is well-structured and contains literary, historical and cultural references
2. the text has a purpose and can lead a person to make a conclusion
3. The text has the potential of being used for educational purposes, for example: someone who wants to be a writer.
4. The text is addressed to a specific audience
5. There are different types of academic texts (not just text-books).

1. The text by George Orwell is not academic, because it does not use specialized vocabulary/concepts and the references he uses correspond to his epoch.
2. Having a purpose does not make a text academic, there are not official references to support ideas, the text is based on the author’s personal experience
3. Being useful does not make a text academic
4. It does not have a formal system of enunciation, anybody can read it and it has no specific audience.
5. The text does not develop a thesis or concepts and that part cannot be omitted in an academic text.


The text written by George Orwell, first published in 1946 by Gangrel, 6B, London, is trying to explain why writers write. Beginning with a life story; his own experience as a writer, since he was a little boy, step by step through his childhood and adolescence. He tells the feelings he had at that time like isolation, besides the habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary people. Moreover how and why he tried to abandon the idea of being a writer, but taking into account that sooner or later he would have to settle down to write books.
His story covers how he started writing poems, how he felt about doing it, his first publication in a local newspaper and the kind of books he wanted to write: enormous naturalistic novels with unhappy endings, full of detailed descriptions and arresting similes, and also full of purple passages in which words were used partly for the sake of their own sound.
The whole information above is given to get into his motives to write without forgetting his development as a writer. George Orwell, considering that each writer has motives to write, proposes four great ones, taking into account that they exist in different degrees in each writer, they are:
1. Sheer egoism: desire to seem clever and to be remembered after death.
2. Aesthetic enthusiasm: perception of beauty in the external world.
3. Historical impulse: desire to see things as they are, to find out true facts and store them up for the use of posterity.
4. Political purpose: desire to push the world in a certain direction.
Finally, he drives the text into a conclusion, emphasizing his own style and his desire to make political writing into an art, describing writers and the activity of writing; the first one as vain, selfish and lazy people and the second one as an exhausting struggle that should not be taken if there is not an amazing force impossible to resist and understand.

What is an academic text?

An academic text for me is a text where an author tries to convince a specific audience about his own thoughts and believes through the usage of different rhetorical tools. Those tools like exposition, explanation, examples, narration, etc., are supported by hypothesis, authorities’ arguments, personal experiences or observable facts that aim to the approval or disapproval of an idea. The information organized through the different tools is developed in a structural and linked way in order to arrive into an explicit or implicit conclusion.

Academic Texts

An academic text is first of all, a sharing of knowledge. Its main purpose being the sharing of information. Secondly, the knowledge being shared must be as the term says, academic. If the information and/or knowledge being shared is that which can be found in an educational facility, then it is academic. One should not consider an essay an academic text simply because it holds the titrle of "essay". I can easily write an essay on how wonderful The Rolling Stones' music is, but would you consider it an academic text? People have the habit of calling essays academic texts because they are used to writing them since their youth in school, and all the way until they reach the university. We must therefore keep in mind that there are certain characteristics of an academic text. And in order to identify a text as academic, we should observe and determine if it has academic attributes.

An Academic Text

An academic text could be defined as a written product which is taken from any fields of sciences in order to contribute developing knowledge in some specific areas or topics related to sources of thought. These texts have typical structures and rethorical mechanisms that are used by most of the academic producers.

"Orality and Literacy: The technologizing of the Word"

In this text by Walter J. Ong, he states that "writing is the means through which speech can be transmited and preserved". I do not agree with this idea because nowadays there ere a lot of ways to transmit and preserve the speech thanks to the technology. For example, we can record or make a video, take a picture, record an interview or any other speech and it all can last many years so other people can know about events that happen at this right moment. It is also possible by orality just as it has been for a long time ago.

Monday 21 September 2009

academic text

An academic text is a text well structured. it must develope a clear concept, idea or point of view. The text can be used in educational purposes.

Thursday 17 September 2009

What is an Academic Text

An academic text is an organized and documented text, which states a clear point of view (thesis). Academic text uses different rhetorical mechanisms as exposition, definition, illustration, description, comparison and contrast, analogies, process analysis, division – classification, etc. in order to make ideas clear. The main purposes of an AT are to explain processes or phenomena and to transmit knowledge.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

An Academic Text

An academic text is a text that has to include or contain some basic and standard structure. Firstly, it has to use an uncomplicated vocabulary that doesn’t include metaphors or subjective meanings. However we talk about uncomplicated vocabulary, we are referring to the common words used by a specific audience in its context (E.g. musician, scientists, etc.); it doesn’t matter if it could be considered a complicated discipline or language. Secondly, academic text is classified according to the emphasis of the writing. The most common classifications are: narrations, descriptions, argumentations, etc. Finally, this kind of text includes a basic structure: an introduction, development and a conclusion.

What is an academic Text

It is a text where a concept is developed having in mind certain characteristics like structure and style. Besides that an Academic Text is an opportunity to approch your conception through some criterias about a topic that has been discussed that can be supported with quotations.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Why I Write by George Orwell

Since a young age, George Orwell knew that he wanted to be a writer, though as a young adult he tried to escape from what he knew would later on be his ultimate destiny. As a boy he was alone most of the time, and therefore invented imaginary friends with whom he would hold conversations with as a result of his isolation. He was gifted with the use of the word and expressed himself with his writings, though none were much too good. As he grew he began to delve into poetry and even had a few poems printed in local newspapers.
During his teenage years he would take part in his school’s magazines,some of which which he professed were of terrible quality. He remembers of how he kept a mental diary of sorts, with third person stories of his life that he held in his mind. His rhetorical styles were influenced by many authors, though he knew he had a descriptive quality similar to them. At sixteen he abruptly discovered a happiness at the sound and organization of words. He understood what kind of literature he wanted to write; big realistic novels with great description and dismal endings. One of these such books was written at the age of thirty. It's called "Burmese Days".
Orwell gives us this background check because he feels it is important to know an author’s history in order to understand his intent. There are many influences in a writer’s life. One such is the age he lives in. His life experiences will give him a demeanor which will affect his approach in writing. There are four factors which are the drive for many authors. One is egoism; the quest for recognition and prestige. Another is creative inventiveness; wanting to create a beautiful work of art in form of prose, rhythm, and word organization. The longing to share one’s life lessons and experiences. The third is historical appeal; wanting to document with genuine actuality and therefore become a part of that history. The fourth is political principles; the desire to share one’s point of view and to try to convince the reader to agree with you. These factors vary in degree of influence from author to author, and some are of no importance at all.
To Orwell political principles was a great influence. Since a young age he had been through many ordeals, including several wars and a while in poverty. This shaped his political beliefs a great deal, and he became an anti-imperialist who hated the times he lived in. He understood he could be politically active, but with tact and maintaining his intellectual integrity. Although it is difficult and complicated, through his own aptitude and virtuosity he would instill his political views and expose issues that need to be exposed without losing that aesthetic beauty that he so fondly enjoyed creating.
Though on the other hand, sometimes he did lose some of that artistic edge to make room for serious topics, such as the spanish civil war in “Homage to Catalonia”. As of late, he made his writing more clear and less artistic. He feels that when a writer is too comfortable with a style of writing, it is time to move on. Orwell has made his writings public-spirited. But he recognizes that all writers are egoistic and lethargic, and there is always a hidden motive. And to the author it was his political purpose which gave him that drive to write what were considered his greatest works.

Friday 11 September 2009

academic text

An academic text is one that must be well structured to be used in educational purposes, besides it's one that

Viviana hoyos ijaji`s academic text definition

an academic text have three charactherecstics that are the most important to recognize it, the firts one would be the kind of topic you would write about, it most be part of the scientifc or humanitit file, the second would be the structure that has to accomplish, wich the maine rule is to have a clear presentation of the ideas and the third one would be the function that must have to be published that is to say that has clear purpose.

academic text definition

An academic text:

Is a paper in which one topic is discussed regarding theoretical aspects and...

we are under construction here!

what an academic text is

an academic text could be a written production with certain orden. first, and as a general rule, it must have a special purpose, i think an educational one; it is to say the text must be conduced to teach and help people in a specific field or area of knowledge.
second, the text must be written using specialized vocabulary and reliable references and sources.
third, it must be directed to an audience able not just to read it, but also to understand it.
finally, and i think one of the most important, an academic text is to develop concepts.

What is an academic text?

An academic text is any text that wants to trasmit any information by an athor who knows a lot about a topic and sends the text to a specific public; it can be a reflexive article, a cientific essay or and article of technology, in other words any text which its purpose is develop some kind of information, contents, concepts, etc


What I think an academic text is

Defining an academic text is not an easy task since we do not have discuss it in class yet, but in my opinion, an academic text is any kind of written production which purpose is to transmit knowledge to an specific audience. Since it is classified inside a scientific frame, academics texts are well structured passages or articles containing literary, historical and cultural references. When talking about an essay, for example, those references can be used as arguments to persuade a person. But not only essay can be classified as academic texts; poems, diaries, pamphlets and of course books can be taken as academic texts since they transmit knowledge in the case of books, a message in the case of pamphlets and feelings in the case of poems.

what is an academic text?

An academic text is a formal text in which the author develops a concept, a thesis or an idea. It is supported with factual information and it is addressed to a specific audience, besides taking into account a specific system of enunciation (written in an impersonal way is the most common) and like other kind of texts, it is true it has a purpose, but it is not an exclusive characteristic of academic texts.

What is an Academic Text?

What is an Academic Text?
First Version

An academic text is adressed to a kind of specialized audience, like scientifics or any academic institution, like a university or a searching institution.
For instance, a monograph, a thesis, an essay, a searching study or a paper are good examples of an academic text, since they are well- structured. Futhermore, academic texts contain literary, historical and cultural references, besides they have the potencial of being used for educational purposes

What is an academic text?

There are many features that can make a text an academic one, for example, and probably the main feature that every text has is the purpose. It is said that if a text has a purpose, it becomes an academic one, but the text needs other components that support its definition as an academic text; the structure, the enunciation system, the vocabulary, the references, the research, are those components that bulid and support the definition of an academic text, and all those features have to be mentioned through the text in a formal way taking into account the type of audience and the purpose.